A) Wheat (19%)
B) Rice (38%)
C) Sugarcane (18%)
D) Maize (26%)
Answer: B
2 of 12: The value of Gold is determined in
A) Rome (14%)
B) Washington (19%)
C) Teheran (10%)
D) London (57%)
Answer: D
3 of 12: The state which has the largest number of sugar mills in India is
A) Bihar (10%)
B) Haryana (9%)
C) Punjab (10%)
D) Uttar Pradesh (71%)
Answer: D
4 of 12: The currency notes are printed in
A) New Delhi (21%)
B) Nasik (68%)
C) Nagpur (7%)
D) Bombay (5%)
Answer: B
5 of 12: Second World war began in
A) 1931 (15%)
B) 1935 (15%)
C) 1937 (17%)
D) 1938 (54%)
Answer: D
6 of 12: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court can hold office until the age of
A) 58 (13%)
B) 60 (13%)
C) 65 (67%)
D) 62 (8%)
Answer: C
7 of 12: The largest gland in the human body is
A) Liver (69%)
B) Adrenal (7%)
C) Pituitary (15%)
D) None of the Above (9%)
Answer: A
8 of 12: The Election Commission can be removed by
A) The President (35%)
B) The Parliament (56%)
C) Home Minister (4%)
D) Prime Minister (5%)
Answer: B
9 of 12: Who is the first non-indian to receive the Bharat Ratna?
A) Martin Luther King (16%)
B) Mother Terasa (29%)
C) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (53%)
D) Aubin Mehta (2%)
Answer: C
10 of 12: The state which leads in agricultural production is
A) Haryana (19%)
B) Punjab (62%)
C) Karnataka (10%)
D) Tamil Nadu (9%)
Answer: B
11 of 12: The most populous city in the world is
A) Paris (23%)
B) London (17%)
C) Peking (6%)
D) Tokyo (55%)
Answer: D
12 of 12: The country without income tax is
A) Nepal (22%)
B) Kuwait (50%)
C) Burma (15%)
D) Singapore (12%)
Answer: B

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All Answers in table
1. | B |
2. | D |
3. | D |
4. | B |
5. | D |
6. | C |
7. | A |
8. | B |
9. | C |
10. | B |
11. | D |
12. | B |