1 of 13:In which year Saina was born?
A) Sept 25, 1988 (23%)
B) March 17, 1990 (58%)
C) Oct 11,1989 (14%)
D) Jan 2,1990 (5%)
Answer: B
2 of 13:Where was she born?
A) Hisar,Haryana (59%)
B) Chandigarh,Punjub (16%)
C) Bangalore,Karnataka (8%)
D) Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh (17%)
Answer: A
3 of 13:What is her highest ranking in Women's singles?
A) 4 (14%)
B) 1 (19%)
C) 3 (24%)
D) 2 (43%)
Answer: D
4 of 13:In Common wealth games 2010(india), women's singles she won -------- medal.
A) Gold (62%)
B) Silver (21%)
C) Bronze (15%)
D) Coper (2%)
Answer: A
5 of 13:Which medal did she win in Asian championships 2010?
A) Gold (32%)
B) Silver (27%)
C) Bronze (36%)
D) None of the Above (6%)
Answer: C
6 of 13:Which medal did she win in World championships 2008?
A) Gold (42%)
B) Silver (27%)
C) Bronze (23%)
D) None of the Above (9%)
Answer: A
7 of 13:What is her current ranking?
A) 4 (33%)
B) 1 (14%)
C) 2 (32%)
D) 3 (22%)
Answer: A
8 of 13:Which medal did she win in 2010 Hong Kong Super Series?
A) Gold (59%)
B) Silver (24%)
C) Bronze (13%)
D) Coper (3%)
Answer: A
9 of 13:How many Silver medal did she win in 2011 BWF Super Series Masters Finals?
A) 1 (20%)
B) 3 (37%)
C) 2 (37%)
D) 0 (6%)
Answer: C
10 of 13:How many Bronze medal did she win in 2006 Commonwealth Games?
A) 0 (19%)
B) 1 (34%)
C) 3 (34%)
D) 2 (13%)
Answer: C
11 of 13:Who is Saina's coach?
A) Atik Jauhari (11%)
B) Laxman Gopichand (23%)
C) Pullela Gopichand (54%)
D) Pullela Dhyanchand (12%)
Answer: C
12 of 13:In which tournament did she win first Gold medal?
A) Czechoslovakia Junior Open (26%)
B) 2004 Commonwealth Youth Games (32%)
C) Asian Satellite Badminton Tournamen (30%)
D) Commonwealth Games (12%)
Answer: A
13 of 13:Where is she staying now?
A) Hisar,Haryana (18%)
B) Chandigarh,Punjub (17%)
C) Bangalore,Karnataka (24%)
D) Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh (41%)
Answer: D
Nice quiz to follow.