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    Plant Growth & Development all quiz answerws

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    1 of 11: Coconut Milk Factor is ?
    A) an Auxin (24%)
    B) a Gibberlin (26%)
    C) Cytokinin (37%)
    D) Abscisic Acid (13%)
    Answer : C
    2 of 11: An enzyme that stimulates germination of Barley seeds is??
    A) Alpha Amylase (43%)
    B) Lipase (29%)
    C) Protease (22%)
    D) Invertase (7%)
    Answer : A
    3 of 11: Seed Dormancy is Due to?
    A) Ethylene (17%)
    B) Abscisic Acid (45%)
    C) IAA (23%)
    D) Starch (16%)
    Answer : B
    4 of 11: Importance of Day length in Flowering of Plants was first shown in?
    A) Petunia (29%)
    B) Letting (27%)
    C) Tobacco (31%)
    D) Cotton (14%)
    Answer : C
    5 of 11: Phototropic Curvature is the result of Uneven distribution of?
    A) Phytochrome (30%)
    B) Gibberlin (26%)
    C) Cytokinins (19%)
    D) Auxin (44%)
    Answer : D
    6 of 11: Coiling of Garden pea Tendrils around any support is an example of
    A) Thermotaxis (31%)
    B) Thigmotaxis (30%)
    C) Thigmonasty (18%)
    D) Thigmotropism (51%)
    Answer : D
    7 of 11: Natural cytokinins are synthesized in tissues that are
    A) Dividing Rapidly (31%)
    B) Senescent (28%)
    C) Storing Food Materials (31%)
    D) Differentiating (10%)
    Answer : A
    8 of 11: Which one of the following is a Gaseous Plant Harmone?
    A) Ethylene (38%)
    B) Gibberlin (37%)
    C) IAA (17%)
    D) Abscisic Acid (9%)
    Answer : A
    9 of 11: Differentiation of shoot is controlled by?
    A) High Auxin : Cytokinin Ratio (22%)
    B) High Cytokinin : Auxin Ration (41%)
    C) High Gibberlin : Auxin Ratio (27%)
    D) High Gibberlin : Cytokinin Ratio (10%)
    Answer : B
    10 of 11: Opening of floral buds into Flowers is a type of?
    A) Autonomic Movement of Variation (20%)
    B) Autonomic Movement of Locomotion (32%)
    C) Autonomic Movement of Growth (37%)
    D) Paratonic Movement of Growth (11%)
    Answer : C
    11 of 11: Which of the following acts as a Derivative of carotenoids
    A) Abscisic Acid (45%)
    B) Indole Butyric Acid (38%)
    C) Indole-3 Acetic Acid (27%)
    Answer : A

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