A) Upcoming James Bond's Movie (19%)
B) Intel 6th Gen Core Processors (36%)
C) China's New Fourth Generation Aircraft (23%)
D) None of These (22%)
Answer : B
2 of 10: MySQL is....?
A) a Hierarchical Model (7%)
B) a RDBMS (60%)
C) a Database Scheme (30%)
D) None of These (2%)
Answer : B
3 of 10: Who invented Analytical engine?
A) Blaise Pascal (11%)
B) George Boole (11%)
C) Dr. Herman Hollerith (10%)
D) Charles Babbage (69%)
Answer : D
4 of 10: Who is the Father of 'C' programming language.......?
A) Bill Gates (8%)
B) Dennis Ritchie (78%)
C) Prof. John Kemeny (12%)
D) None of These (2%)
Answer : B
5 of 10: Adwords is an.....?
A) Advertising Service by Microsoft (18%)
B) Advertising Service by Yahoo (5%)
C) Advertising Service by Google (75%)
D) None of These (2%)
Answer : C
6 of 10: Which was the first general purpose computer, designed to handle both numeric and textual information?
A) UNIVAC, 1951 (64%)
B) ENVAC, 1951 (13%)
C) Analytical Engine, 1948 (19%)
D) Difference Engine, 1947 (4%)
Answer : A
7 of 10: IC Chip is made up of----.
A) NIckel (6%)
B) Iron (3%)
C) Copper (10%)
D) Silicon (81%)
Answer : D
8 of 10: Where was India's first computer installed and when?
A) IIT Delhi, 1971 (11%)
B) IIT Madras, 1971 (13%)
C) India Statisticial Instute, 1955 (74%)
D) None of These (3%)
Answer : C
9 of 10: Who invented IC?
A) Jack Kilby (63%)
B) Ken Thompson (23%)
C) Steve Jobs (12%)
D) None of These (1%)
Answer : A
10 of 10: The first Network---
A) CNNET (9%)
B) NSFNET (5%)
D) ARPANET (70%)
Answer : D

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All Answers in table
1 | B |
2 | B |
3 | D |
4 | B |
5 | C |
6 | A |
7 | D |
8 | C |
9 | A |
10 | D |
If you found any wrong Answer Please Comment bellow. |
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