1 of 15:When was Bruce Lee born?
A) October 4th, 1937 (24%)
B) November 27th, 1940 (60%)
C) November 4th, 1937 (16%)
2 of 15:What initially spurred Bruce on to start martial arts?
A) He Lost a Street Fight When He Was 13 (49%)
B) His Dad Was a Boxer (23%)
C) He Could Already Do Flying Kicks Without Practice (28%)
3 of 15:In Bruce's opinion what are the most important muscles?
A) Biceps (25%)
B) Deltoids (25%)
C) Abdominals (50%)
4 of 15:'Martial art has a very deep meaning for me, as far as my life is concerned'. For Bruce what did Martial arts mean?
A) Ultimate Control Over an Opponent (30%)
B) The Honest Expression of the Human Body (57%)
C) Formidable Power (13%)
5 of 15:In Bruce's opinion what is the best style of martial arts?
A) Gung Fu (28%)
B) No Style, One Must Adapt to His/her Opponent (50%)
C) Western Pugilism Combined With Kung Fu (22%)
6 of 15:How heavy was Bruce Lee?
A) 120 Lbs (26%)
B) 165 Lbs (29%)
C) Between 130-145 Lbs (45%)
7 of 15:What philosophy did Bruce maintain to adopt in martial arts?
A) The Enemy Deserves No Mercy (29%)
B) Be Like Water (53%)
C) No One is Invincible (18%)
8 of 15:What was Bruce's attitude toward training for combat?
A) Talking About Combat.. You Need to Develop Every Part of Your Body (58%)
B) A Swift Knockout is Necessary (29%)
C) Better to Have a Weapon (13%)
9 of 15:What was Bruce's birthname?
A) Bruce Lee (18%)
B) Lee Jun Fan (57%)
C) Lee Siu-Lung (25%)
10 of 15:Where was he born?
A) Seattle (11%)
B) San Francisco (49%)
C) Hong Kong (40%)
11 of 15:What was his wife's name?
A) Linda Emery (52%)
B) Sarah Cadwell (36%)
C) Pam Cadwell (12%)
12 of 15:What was Bruce's definition of strength?
A) Bodily Fitness (18%)
B) The Ability of the Body to Assert Great Force. (51%)
C) Mental Strength (31%)
13 of 15:What philosophy did Bruce maintain to adopt in martial arts?
A) Be a Fighter (23%)
B) Be Like Water (64%)
C) Be Strong (14%)
14 of 15:What was the official cause, as announced at the time, of Bruce's death?
A) Cancer (22%)
B) Brain Edema (53%)
C) Brain Tumor (25%)
15 of 15:Bruce thought the only man who he had doubts of defeating in a fight was ?
A) His Father (25%)
B) Muhammad Ali (37%)
C) Grandmaster Yip Man (38%)
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