1 of 18:Who was the first man in space?
A) Yuri Gagarin (58%)
B) Judas Escariot (29%)
C) Louis Bleriot (13%)
Answer: A
2 of 18:Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans?
A) Peter (26%)
B) Paul (34%)
C) Judas Escariot (40%)
Answer: C
3 of 18:Who was the first man to fly across the channel?
A) Lay Geoly (28%)
B) Louis Bleriot (56%)
C) Yuri Gagarin (16%)
Answer: B
4 of 18:What event supposedly occurred in the Coenaculum or Cenacle?
A) Fuhrer (37%)
B) Dauphin (27%)
C) The Last Supper (36%)
Answer: C
5 of 18:King Zog ruled which country?
A) India (18%)
B) Albania (71%)
C) Africa (10%)
Answer: B
6 of 18:Where can you find London bridge today?
A) Italy (18%)
B) UK (49%)
C) USA (Arizona ) (33%)
Answer: C
7 of 18:In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade?
A) France (32%)
B) Crimean (55%)
C) Stalin (14%)
Answer: B
8 of 18:Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2?
A) Petra (21%)
B) John Constable (42%)
C) Douglas Bader (37%)
Answer: C
9 of 18:Who sailed in the Nina - Pinta and Santa Maria?
A) Petra (24%)
B) Christopher Columbus (57%)
C) Captain James Cook (19%)
Answer: B
10 of 18:What does ring a ring a roses refer to?
A) Crime (24%)
B) The Black Death (48%)
C) Wales (28%)
Answer: B
11 of 18:Who was the first man to run a sub four minute mile?
A) Joseph Stalin (44%)
B) Roger Bannister (47%)
C) HMS Dreadnought (10%)
Answer: B
12 of 18:Which country had The Dauphin as a ruler?
A) Italy (28%)
B) India (38%)
C) France (34%)
Answer: C
13 of 18:Dwight Eisenhower was the first president to hold what?
A) Red Rose (35%)
B) Petra (31%)
C) Pilots Licence (34%)
Answer: C
14 of 18:What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carte
A) Tutankamen's tomb (39%)
B) Mare Nostrum (40%)
C) Pennsylvania (21%)
Answer: A
15 of 18:Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents ?
A) Joseph Stalin (32%)
B) E J Smith (39%)
C) Captain James Cook (29%)
Answer: C
16 of 18:1300 to 1500 it was illegal for Englishmen to have 3 what a day?
A) Licence (34%)
B) tomb (30%)
C) Meals (37%)
Answer: C
17 of 18:Where was the worlds first oil well drilled?
A) Dolorous (23%)
B) Sausages (41%)
C) Pennsylvania (36%)
Answer: C
18 of 18:The Romans called it Cambria - what do we call it?
A) Wales (37%)
B) Crucifixion (49%)
C) Sea (14%)
Answer: A
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