1 of 15:Why are there great variations in the bio forms of India?
A) Because of Vast Size (46%)
B) Because of Small Size (21%)
C) Because of Landmass (33%)
Answer: A
2 of 15:What is the rank of India in the world in respect of plant diversity?
A) 5th (37%)
B) 10th (53%)
C) 12th (10%)
Answer: B
3 of 15:At what rank does India stand in the world in respect of number of flowering plants?
A) 10% (47%)
B) 5% (29%)
C) 6% (24%)
Answer: A
4 of 15:Natural vegetation referring to a plant community which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time, is termed as
A) Endemic Vegetation (29%)
B) Virgin Vegetation (43%)
C) Natural Vegetation (28%)
Answer: B
5 of 15:Flora is referred to as
A) Species of Animals (25%)
B) Species of Plants (43%)
C) Both (a) and (b) (32%)
Answer: A
6 of 15:Why is there a difference in the duration of sunlight at different places?
A) Due to Difference in Altitudes (31%)
B) Due to Difference in Longitudes (37%)
C) Due to Difference in Latitudes (32%)
Answer: C
7 of 15:What is the duration of south-west monsoon in India?
A) October to November (29%)
B) December to March (29%)
C) June to September (43%)
Answer: C
8 of 15:All the plants and animals in an area are interdependent and interrelated to each other in their physical environment.' What is the name given to this interrelationship and interdependence?
A) Physical Environment (37%)
B) Ecosystem (58%)
C) Biomes (5%)
Answer: B
9 of 15:What is the basis of identifying biomes on the earth?
A) Animals (23%)
B) Plants (56%)
C) Fish (21%)
Answer: B
10 of 15:What restricts the Tropical Evergreen Forests?
A) Temperature (24%)
B) Rainfall (57%)
C) Airpressure (19%)
Answer: B
11 of 15:Name the forests in which teak is the most dominant species.
A) Tropical Evergreen Forests (30%)
B) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs (32%)
C) Tropical Deciduous Forests (38%)
Answer: C
12 of 15:In thorn forests and scrubs, why are leaves of trees mostly thick and small?
A) To Maximise Evaporation (21%)
B) To Minimise Evaporation (61%)
C) To Reduce Moisture (18%)
Answer: B
13 of 15:In which type of forests does Sundari tree belong?
A) Tropical Evergreen Forests (22%)
B) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs (28%)
C) Mangrove Forests (50%)
Answer: C
14 of 15:Name the animal which lives in swampy and marshy lands of Assam and West Bengal.
A) Elephants (31%)
B) One Horned Rhinoceros (61%)
C) Nilgai (8%)
Answer: B
15 of 15:Give an example of biosphere reserve of India.
A) Pachmari (40%)
B) Kawal (28%)
C) Corbett Park (32%)
Answer: A
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