1 of 15:What should you do if you disagree with a position the boss has taken during an office meeting?
A) Kindly Suggest a Different Alternative, but Do So Respectfully (40%)
B) Wait Until After the Meeting, Then Respectfully Request an Audience With Your Boss Where You Might Lay Out Your Objections (52%)
C) Look to Fellow Co-workers for Support, Then Respectfully Disagree With Your Boss (8%)
Answer: B
2 of 15:You are terribly busy at work, but there is a birthday party going on in the break room. What should you do?
A) Make a Brief Appearance, Then Return to Work (43%)
B) Stay in Your Office; Your Co-workers Will Understand (18%)
C) Send Your Regards, Maybe Ask for a Piece of Cake, but Keep Working (39%)
Answer: A
3 of 15:Emails should generally be replied to within 24 hours; how soon should you return a phone call?
A) Also Within 24 Hours (22%)
B) Within 2 Hours (49%)
C) Within 4 Hours (29%)
Answer: C
4 of 15:You should not call your boss or co-workers by their first name when introducing them to a client.
A) True (63%)
B) False (37%)
Answer: A
5 of 15:How should a business introduction be made?
A) Introduce the More Accomplished Person to the Lesser Accomplished Person (34%)
B) Introduce the Lesser Accomplished Person to the More Accomplished Person (40%)
C) These Days It's Best to Let People Introduce Themselves (26%)
Answer: B
6 of 15:You are talking business with a co-worker in their office. Where should you sit?
A) Wherever You Like (22%)
B) Across the Desk and to the Right of It (38%)
C) Don't Sit Until Invited to Sit (40%)
Answer: C
7 of 15:In an office setting, you should knock before entering someone's office if the door is shut.
A) True (82%)
B) False (18%)
Answer: A
8 of 15:Unlike general social situations, gender is not a factor in an office as to who opens a door for whom.
A) True (76%)
B) False (24%)
Answer: A
9 of 15:You enter a business meeting after lunch and notice a colleague has spinach on her teeth. What do you do?
A) Ignore It, and Hope She Figures It Out (33%)
B) Take Her Aside and Discreetly Tell Her (54%)
C) Hope Someone Else Tells Her; It's an Uncomfortable Situation (13%)
Answer: B
10 of 15:It's casual Friday, but you are meeting with an important client. How do you dress?
A) Appropriate for a Business Meeting (53%)
B) As You Would Normally on Friday, as the Concept of Casual Friday is Well Understood (28%)
C) You Don't Give Much Thought to Your Dress at All and Get Dressed Quickly and Simply (18%)
Answer: A
11 of 15:If you must eat at your desk, what two rules should you always follow?
A) Never Offer Food to Co-workers Who Might Not Share Your Taste (26%)
B) Eat Foods That Have Low Odour (46%)
C) Eat Only Healthy Foods So You Don't Tempt Dieters (28%)
Answer: B
12 of 15:You should smile when you answer your phone at work. Your smile will "show" through the phone.
A) True (72%)
B) False (28%)
Answer: A
13 of 15:You have a business meeting scheduled but you're running little late. Your client has been waiting about 5 minutes already. What do you do?
A) Go See the Client Yourself, Tell Them You're Running Late and Will Be Finished Soon (50%)
B) Leave What You're Working on and Meet With the Client (19%)
C) Tell Your Assistant to Tell the Client You'll Be a Few Minutes (31%)
Answer: A
14 of 15:You work in a small office, the phone rings and your coworker answers the phone and is giving incorrect information to the customer. Do you
A) Correct the Coworker While They Are Talking to the Customer (41%)
B) Interrupt the Conversation (24%)
C) Let the Coworker Know the Correct Answer After She Hangs Up (35%)
Answer: C
15 of 15:You have something to discuss with a co-worker and head over to her office but she's on the phone. Do you
A) Wait Patienly in Her Office (53%)
B) Leave and Come Back Later (28%)
C) Write a Note & Hand It to Her (19%)
Answer: B
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