1 of 14:The name Coelacanth is derived from the Greek words 'koilos' and 'akantha'. This roughly translates to which of the following?
A) Fossil Fish (34%)
B) Walking Fish (34%)
C) Hollow Spine (31%)
Answer: C
2 of 14:The branch of zoology concerned with the study of the natural history of fishes is known as what?
A) Entomology (32%)
B) Ichthyology (52%)
C) Ornithology (15%)
Answer: B
3 of 14:The original 1938 Coelacanth specimen, found off the coast of South Africa, was around 1.50 m / 5 feet long and weighed kust under 60kg / 130 pounds.
A) True (82%)
B) False (18%)
Answer: A
4 of 14:How many fins do Coelacanths have?
A) 8 (27%)
B) 6 (42%)
C) 10 (31%)
Answer: A
5 of 14:How long is the gestation period for the Coelacanth?
A) Up to 3 Weeks (23%)
B) Up to 3 Months (48%)
C) Up to 3 Years (29%)
Answer: C
6 of 14:Coelacanth eggs are fertilised internally, and hatch inside the parent fish.What is the name of the alternative reproductive method whereby the eggs are expelled and hatch outside the body?
A) Oviparous (61%)
B) Ovoviviparous (29%)
C) None of These (11%)
Answer: A
7 of 14:It was once thought that unborn Coelacanth pups ate their siblings and other eggs while still in the uterus before birth, but this has since been disproven. Cannibalistic behaviour of this sort is known as oophagy.
A) True (79%)
B) False (21%)
Answer: A
8 of 14:The eggs of the Coelacanth are the largest of all known fish. Roughly what is the size of each egg?
A) a Watermelon (15%)
B) a Walnut (48%)
C) an Orange (38%)
Answer: C
9 of 14:What is the nickname that JLB Smith gave to the Coelacanth?
A) Old Forelegs (25%)
B) Old Forefins (46%)
C) Old Fourlegs (29%)
Answer: C
10 of 14:Fins with an internal skeleton structure such as those of the Coelacanth are known as which of the following?
A) Orthopaedomorphic (41%)
B) Calciumorphic (37%)
C) Pedunculated (22%)
Answer: C
11 of 14:The electro-receptive device in the snout of the Coelacanth which is used to locate prey is known as which organ?
A) Central (38%)
B) Rostral (51%)
C) Ventral (12%)
Answer: B
12 of 14:The people of Indonesia know their Coelacanth as "raja laut". This roughly translates to which of the following?
A) Large Mouth (33%)
B) King of the Sea (54%)
C) Prince of the Deep (14%)
Answer: B
13 of 14:Name the most obvious difference between the two species of Coelacanth?
A) Size (22%)
B) Diet (45%)
C) Colour (33%)
Answer: C
14 of 14:Coelacanths cannot survive in the shallow waters for very long. This is because as deep water dwellers they have become accustomed to which of the following?
A) Increased Water Pressure (45%)
B) Different Oxygen Content (30%)
C) All of These (25%)
Answer: C
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