1 of 18:Which of the following is an example of a preparatory movement?
A) Pas De Chat (41%)
B) Grand Jete (38%)
C) Plie (21%)
2 of 18:In which ballet position do the feet NOT touch each other?
A) Second (42%)
B) Third (41%)
C) Fourth (18%)
3 of 18:What French ballet term means 'in front'?
A) Derriere (38%)
B) Devant (42%)
C) en Dehors (20%)
4 of 18:Which of the following is a body position?
A) Brise (21%)
B) en Arriere (31%)
C) Efface (49%)
5 of 18:Which of the following steps is executed WITHOUT either foot completely leaving the ground?
A) Rond De Jambe en l'air (57%)
B) Rond De Jambe a Terre (38%)
C) Developpe (5%)
6 of 18:In 'The Nutcracker', what item is associated with the Russian dance?
A) Trepak (40%)
B) Coffee (41%)
C) Chocolate (19%)
7 of 18:Which of the following is a common warm up done at the barre, or in the centre?
A) Pas De Bourree (42%)
B) Adagio (40%)
C) Grand Jete en Tournant (18%)
8 of 18:In the body position croise devant, using the right leg...
A) ...the Right Arm is Raised and the Head Looks Right (30%)
B) ...the Right Arm is Raised and the Head Looks Left. (35%)
C) ...the Left Arm is Raised and the Downstage Leg is in Fourth Position to the Front (35%)
9 of 18:The basic step in which a leg is extended straight behind the body at a right angle is called?
A) Penche (37%)
B) Arabesque (37%)
C) Battement (26%)
10 of 18:This is a movement in which the dancer raises one leg to the front, back, or side and then jumps with the supporting leg, bringing it up to beat under the other.
A) Cabriole (63%)
B) Fouette (29%)
C) Gargouillade (8%)
11 of 18:This is a jump in which the dancer rises low off of the floor and the two feet are brought together in the air before the dancer lands in fifth position.
A) Barrel Turn (44%)
B) Jete (41%)
C) Assemble (15%)
12 of 18:This is a position in which the ballerina crosses her feet in fifth position, with legs together and pulled back, head lifted, and back arched.
A) Echappe (39%)
B) Echappe (43%)
C) Poisson (17%)
13 of 18:This is an extension in which the toe is pointed in an open position preparation for a ballet step.
A) Ballon (28%)
B) Degage (37%)
C) Pique (35%)
14 of 18:With a slight plie, the dancer springs into the air from the fifth position and then lands on one foot with a demi-plie and the other leg extended to the back, front, or side. The foot of the extended leg is then closed to the supporting foot. What is thi
A) Sissone (59%)
B) Penche (31%)
C) Rond De Jambe a Terre (11%)
15 of 18:In this pose, the dancer stands on one leg and brings the other leg up behind at an angle of 90 degrees, with the knee bent.
A) Attitude (14%)
B) Bourree (46%)
C) Arabesque (40%)
16 of 18:This is a movement in which the dancer springs up from fifth position onto pointe in second position.
A) Elance (40%)
B) Echappe (36%)
C) Emboite (25%)
17 of 18:This is a position in which the dancer stands so that when either leg is raised, it crosses the other leg.
A) Gargouillade (44%)
B) Chasse (29%)
C) Croise (27%)
18 of 18:This word is used as a modifier to explain that a jump is involved in a step or pose.
A) Saute (36%)
B) Jete (43%)
C) Croise (21%)
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